I’m Laura, Team Vicar at St Luke’s in the City. In September 2020 my role here begins and so like you, I’m new! It’s an especially strange year to have a big life change and many of us are having to readjust our expectations and embrace totally different plans. Well done that you’ve made it this far!
Here we’re preparing for every eventuality and have a large church to gather in. We have online worship everyday of the week, and our brilliant student chaplain Lilly who’s available for chats. I plan to develop creative activities to engage with… But even with these assurances we know that it may still be tricky to find a church which feels right.
At 18 when I moved to London to study at art college I found it impossible to find a church to be part of. It felt as though nowhere could relate God to all the new and exciting experiences I was enjoying and so my life and faith grew apart. It was a good 5 years later when I encountered a much bigger God than the one I’d imagined. At the St Luke’s in the City Team we care about where you’re at and welcome you just as you are.
It’s not clear how things will change yet or whether we’ll be forced into another lockdown in the winter. So, if you’re totally fine about all the uncertainty or if you’re like me – a bit new, a bit unsure and a little confused then you’ll be right at home at St Luke’s in the City. Let’s muddle our way through together.
Author: Rev Laura Ferguson (St Luke in the City)
Find your steeple Contact: Lilly Nelson

As part of St Luke In the City Parish, St Michael in the City Church hosts Book of Common Prayer Communion 12.15pm each Wednesday